Zombie-Loan Wiki

Touhou is an exorcist who uses powerful transformation symbol magic and works for the

continental Mafia

Toho 16246

Xu Fu.


It seems he was put in charge of keeping an eye on Shito, whom he admires and considers to be a "perfect monster", yet "disgustingly beautiful". He abuses Shito physically and mentally through his symbol magic at times. He has reasonable sources, and is always a bit ahead of the Z-Loan. His position of taking care of Shito and working for Xu Fu has been passed down for generations. He mentions having a wife. In volume 10 of the manga, he commences an exorcist experiment with Shito's body, Koyomi's "Dead Man's Tongue", and Xu Fu's leader, whom he calls "Lao Ye". It is later revealed he and his father have been searching for a way to end Lao Ye's rule and free his clan from the Xu Fu. However, in exchange for finishing off Lao Ye, his body is covered with curses, which quickly end up killing him.

